Title 40 CFR Part 191
Subparts B and C
Compliance Recertification Application 2014
for the
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Appendix AUD-2014
Audits and Surveillances
United States Department of Energy
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Carlsbad Field Office
Carlsbad, New Mexico
Compliance Recertification Application 2014
Appendix AUD
Table AUD-1. Idaho National Laboratory & INL Analytical Labs Assessments
Table AUD-2. Los Alamos National Laboratory Assessments
Table AUD-3. Los Alamos National Laboratory - Carlsbad Operations Assessments
Table AUD-4. General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center Assessments
Table AUD-5. Hanford-Richland Site Assessments
Table AUD-6. Washington TRU Solutions/Nuclear Waste Partnership Assessments
Table AUD-7. Sandia National Laboratories/Carlsbad Program Group Assessments
Table AUD-8. Savannah River Site/CCP Assessments
Table AUD-9. Carlsbad Field Office Assessments
Table AUD-10. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Assessments
Table AUD-11. Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project Assessments
Table AUD-12. Argonne National Laboratory Assessments
Table AUD-13. Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory Assessments
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ACL Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
AK acceptable knowledge
AMWTP Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project
ANL Argonne National Laboratory
ARP Accelerated Retrieval Project
BAPL Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory
BCL Battelle Columbus Laboratories
CAR corrective action report
CAST CAST Specialty Transportation, Inc.
CBFO Carlsbad Field Office
CCP Central Characterization Project
CEMRC Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center
CFR Code of Federal Regulalions
CGI Commercial Grade Item
CH contact-handled
CMR Central Monitoring Room
CRA Compliance Recertification Application
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
DOT U.S. Department of Transportation
DSA Documented Safety Analyses
DTC dose-to-curie
ECL Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
FEW Fuel Examination Waste
GC/MS Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
GEVNC General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center
GWAS Gamma Waste Assay System
HENC #1 High-Efficiency Neutron Counter #1
HERTR High-Energy Real-Time Radiography
HSG headspace gas
HSGS headspace gas sampling
HPLC-1 High Performance Liquid Chromatography
HWFP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit
I indeterminate
IDC Integrated Data Center
INL Idaho National Laboratory
INTEC Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center
IS&H Industrial Safety and Health
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
LANL-CO Los Alamos National Laboratory - Carlsbad Operations
LCNDE Large Container Non-Destructive Examination
LO/TO Lockout/Tagout
M marginal
M&O managment and operating
N/A not applicable
NABC Nondestructive Assay Box Counter
NDA nondestructive assay
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NESHAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NQA nuclear quality assurance
NTP National TRU Program
NWP Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OSO Office of Site Operations
PDP Performance Demonstration Program
PFP Plutonium Finishing Plant
PRS Project Records Services
QA quality assurance
QAP Quality Assurance Program
QAPD Quality Assurance Program Document
RADCON Radiological Control
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RH remote-handled
RHF Records Holding Facility
RH-TRU remote-handled transuranic
RL Hanford-Richland
RTR real-time radiography
RWMC Radioactive Waste Management Complex
S satisfactory; surveillance
SCG Summary Category Group
SDW Safe Drinking Water
SLB2s standard large box 2s
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
SNL/CPG Sandia National Laboratories/Carlsbad Program Group
SQA software quality assurance
SRS Savannah River Site
SSE salt storage evaporation
SWB standard waste box
TRANSCOM Transportation Tracking and Communication
TRU transuranic
TRUPACT-III Transuranic Package Transporter-III
TSR Technical Safety Requirements
U unsatisfactory
V&V verification and validation
VE visual examination
VET Visual Examination Technique
VOC volatile organic compound
WAC Waste Acceptance Criteria
WAP Waste Analysis Plan
WDS Waste Data System
WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
WRAP Waste Receiving and Processing
WRMS WIPP Records Management Services
WSCF Waste Sampling and Characterization Facility
WTS Washington TRU Solutions, LLC
WTS/RES Washington TRU Solutions Regulatory and Environmental Services
WTS/WRES Washington TRU Solutions Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services
WWIS WIPP Waste Information System
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Tables AUD-1 through AUD-15 summarize assessments performed from December 31, 2007, through February 1, 2013. These assessments were performed to evaluate the adequacy and implementation of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) participant organizations' quality assurance (QA) programs, as well as compliance with DOE/CBFO-94-1012, CBFO Quality Assurance Program Document (QAPD) (U.S. DOE 2010) and the WIPP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit (HWFP).
This information supplements the information contained in the 2009 Compliance Recertification Application (CRA-2009) (U.S. DOE 2009). Some assessments were performed prior to the end of the Appendix AUD-2009 reporting period; however, the assessments were not considered complete until the final report was finished and associated regulatory approvals (if required) were obtained.
The following organizations were assessed: transuranic (TRU) waste generator sites; Sandia National Laboratories - Carlsbad Programs Group (SNL/CPG); Washington TRU Solutions, LLC (WTS); Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC (NWP); suppliers performing quality-affecting work; Los Alamos National Laboratory - Carlsbad Operations (LANL-CO), and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Carlsbad Field Office (CBFO). Throughout this appendix, "CBFO" is used to include reference to the former Carlsbad Area Office, as appropriate.
Results of the assessment normally determine the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of an auditee's QA program. Adequacy addresses the migration of requirements from upper-tier program documents into implementing procedures. Implementation refers to the manner in which an organization applies the requirements of its QA program and of the QAPD to the activities performed. Effectiveness addresses whether the controls established in the implementing procedures produce the desired results or end products. All assessments were performed to the requirements in place at the time of the activity.
The summary tables identify the organization assessed, assessment number, assessment scope, and assessment results. Assessment results are expressed as "satisfactory" (S), "marginal" (M), "unsatisfactory" (U), "not applicable" (N/A), or "indeterminate" (I) for the three factors considered during an assessment (adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness). For assessments resulting in findings of M, U, and/or I, corrective actions are applied to address the concerns and issues identified until a satisfactory (S) result is achieved. Assessment findings of M, U, and I at TRU waste sites have been corrected or satisfactorily addressed and verified through subsequent audits, surveillances, corrective action reports (CARs), or other means prior to initial certification or continued certification for shipping waste to the WIPP.
Only those CBFO assessment activities directly related to 40 CFR Parts 191 (U.S. EPA 1993) and 194 (U.S. EPA 1996) are included in this appendix. Additional CBFO assessments are performed in other critical areas. In addition, each participant organization performs internal assessments of its own activities.
Table AUD-6 is entitled "Washington TRU Solutions/Nuclear Waste Partnership Assessments" to reflect the WIPP management and operating (M&O) contract award, which occurred on October 1, 2012. The "Organization Assessed" column identifies the M&O contractor as either WTS or NWP, as appropriate.
Table AUD-1. Idaho National Laboratory & INL Analytical Labs Assessments |
Organization Assessed |
Assessment Number |
Assessment Dates |
Scope of Assessments |
Adequacy |
Implementation |
Effectiveness |
A-08-10 |
05/13 - 05/15/08 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of technical and QA elements as they relate to the WIPP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit (HWFP) for characterization and certification of Summary Category Group (SCG) S3000 homogeneous solids waste, S4000 soils/gravel waste, and S5000 debris waste. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the HWFP, CBFO Quality Assurance Program Document (QAPD), contract, and statement of work, as well as the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-08-11 |
01/29 - 01/30/08 |
Follow-up certification audit conducted to evaluate the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the INL/Central Characterization Project (CCP) TRU waste characterization activities related to contact-handled (CH) SCG S4000 soils/gravel performed by the INL/CCP relative to the HWFP and upper-tier requirement documents |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, HWFP and the INL implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
INL Analytical Labs. |
A-08-22 |
05/13 - 05/15/08 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of INL Analytical Labs TRU waste characterization activities performed under the CCP Program. Activities evaluated included headspace gas (HSG) analysis of SCG S5000 debris wastes; Analytical Laboratories Department analysis of S3000 homogeneous solids and S4000 soils/gravel; generation-level data verification and validation (V&V) of S3000 homogeneous solids, S4000 soils/gravel, and S5000 debris wastes; and SUMMA ® canister preparation and certification for use by other generator sites. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the INL Analytical Labs implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-09-08 |
12/9 - 12/11/08 |
Limited scope audit of INL/CCP visual examination (VE) records was performed to verify the level of compliance of waste characterization and certification activities for SCG S5000 debris waste. |
S |
S |
S |
Based on the results of the corrective action verification for CBFO CARs 09-015 and 09-016, the audit team concluded that the VE process being performed by INL/CCP was adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective.
Follow-up surveillance (S-09-21) was conducted in March, 2009 to verify effectiveness of actions completed for the two CARs.
INL Analytical Labs. |
A-09-13 |
05/5 - 05/07/09 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of INL Analytical Laboratories/CCP TRU waste characterization activities. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the INL Analytical Labs implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-09-14 |
05/05 - 05/07/09 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of technical and QA elements as they relate to the WIPP HWFP for characterization and certification of SCG S3000 homogeneous solids waste, S4000 soils/gravel waste, and S5000 debris waste. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the HWFP, CBFO QAPD, contract, and statement of work, as well as the INL implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-03 |
10/06 - 10/07/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the INL Visual Examination Technique (VET) waste characterization process including related technical and QA activities performed by the INL/CCP. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the INL/CCP technical and QA programs, as applicable to the VET process, were adequate in addressing upper-tier requirements, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-16 |
06/08 - 06/10/10 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of technical and QA elements as they relate to the WIPP HWFP for characterization and certification of SCG S3000 homogeneous solids waste, S4000 soils/gravel waste, and S5000 debris waste. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the INL/CCP technical and QA program, with the exception of the dose-to-curie characterization discipline using the Osprey detector, continue to be adequate and satisfactorily implemented for characterizing SCG S3000, S4000 and S5000 waste. The dose-to-curie discipline was later evaluated during S-10-34 and determined to be adequate and satisfactorily implemented. |
INL Analytical Labs. |
A-10-17 |
06/08 - 06/10/10 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of INL Analytical Laboratories/CCP TRU waste characterization activities. |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the INL Analytical Labs implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective.
INL Analytical Labs. |
A-11-13 |
06/07 - 06/09/11 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of INL Analytical Laboratories/CCP TRU waste characterization activities.
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the INL Analytical Labs implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-11-14 |
06/07 - 06/09/11 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of INL TRU waste characterization activities performed for the INL by WTS/CCP. Activities were evaluated relative to the requirements of the WIPP HWFP, the CBFO QAPD and Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC). Evaluated CH SCGs S3000 homogeneous solids waste, S4000 soils/gravel waste, and S5000 debris waste, and remote-handled (RH) SCGs S3000 homogeneous solids waste and S5000 debris waste, in addition to other technical elements, QA elements, and transportation activities. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the INL implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-12-13 |
06/11 - 06/14/12 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of technical and QA elements as they relate to the WIPP HWFP for characterization and certification of SCG S3000 homogeneous solids waste, S4000 soils/gravel waste, and S5000 debris waste. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, contract and statement of work, as well as the INL implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
INL Analytical Labs. |
A-12-14 |
06/11 - 06/14/12 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of INL Analytical Laboratories/CCP TRU waste characterization activities. Activities evaluated included the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (ECL) HSG analysis of SCG S5000 debris wastes; Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (ACL) solids analysis of SCGs S3000 homogeneous solids and S4000 soils/gravel wastes; generation-level data V&V; and SUMMA canister preparation and certification for use by the generator sites.
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the INL Analytical Labs implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-08-03 |
01/15 - 01/16/08 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the policies, plans, and procedures related to the CCP shipment of RH TRU waste from the INL to the WIPP. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities associated with operations necessary for the CCP's transportation of RH waste were appropriately proceduralized and effectively implemented. |
S-08-07 |
01/15 - 01/18/08 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of policies, plans, and procedures related to the Accelerated Retrieval Project (ARP) VE process for newly generated wastes performed at INL by the CCP. |
S |
S |
S |
The INL/CCP ARP VE activities were considered to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-08-16 |
08/05 - 08/15/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the CCP technical and QA activities for remediation and repackaging of SCG S3000 waste, conducted at INL by the CCP. This included review of the Packaging Configuration Correction process described in Procedure CCP-TP-006, CCP Visual Examination Technique for INL Newly Generated TRU Waste Retrieved from Pits. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities associated with remediation & repackaging of SCG S3000 were considered to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-08 |
12/16 - 12/17/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the CCP technical and QA activities for remediation and repackaging of SCG S3000 homogeneous solid waste. |
S |
S |
S |
The CCP technical and QA activities for remediation & repackaging of ARP S3000 waste were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-21 |
03/25 - 03/26/09 |
Evaluated implementation of corrective actions associated with CBFO CARs 09-015 and 09-16 resulting from CBFO Audit A-09-08. CBFO Audit A-09-08 was performed December 09/11/2008, to evaluate the INL/CCP VE process. |
S |
S |
S |
The surveillance team determined that corrective actions associated with CBFO CARs 09-015 and 09-16 were satisfactory, thus CBFO CARs 09-015 and 09-16 were closed. The surveillance team also verified the corrective actions were effective. |
S-09-33 |
08/11/09 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the VE process performed by the INL/CCP on RH SCG S5000 debris waste. Recertification Audit A-09-14 of INL/CCP did not include VE of RH waste. |
S |
S |
S |
Surveillance team verified procedure compliance in performing VE on RH waste. Activities associated with VE on RH waste were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-01 |
10/13 - 10/14/09 |
Evaluated the activities associated with the relocation of the Analytical Solids Laboratory from Building 602 at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) to a modular trailer facility at the INL Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC) near Idaho Falls, ID. |
S |
S |
S |
INL/CCP activities related to solids analysis were determined to be adequate, satisfactory, and effective at the new Analytical Solids Laboratory location. |
S-10-20 |
02/23 - 02/24/10 |
Evaluated the documentation associated with INL/CCP RH waste sampling and analysis activities at the INL INTEC facility. |
S |
S |
S |
INL/CCP activities related to RH sampling and analysis characterization operations were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-22 |
03/03/10 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the VE characterization process performed by the INL/CCP on RH SCG S3000 solids waste. Recertification Audit A-09-14 did not include VE of RH SCG S3000 solids waste. |
S |
S |
S |
The VE characterization process performed by the INL/CCP on RH SCG S3000 solids waste is adequately implemented and effective. |
S-10-33 |
07/27/10 |
Evaluated the activities associated with INL/CCP HSG sampling (HSGS) activities at the INL.
S |
S |
S |
This surveillance determined that the INL/CCP HSG sampling operations were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-34 |
07/20 - 07/21/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, procedure implementation, and effectiveness of project-level review of dose-to-curie (DTC) data measured using an Osprey detector. This surveillance was performed to address a determination of inadequacy of reporting due to the unavailability of final data packages for review at the time of CBFO Audit A-10-16. |
S |
S |
S |
This surveillance satisfactorily closed out the radiological characterization (nondestructive assay [NDA] and RH/DTC) portion of Audit A-10-16. Activities were determined to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
INL Analytical Labs. |
S-11-31 |
9/21/11 |
Verified the operability, implementation, and effectiveness of two new instruments at the ECL, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) instruments I and J (GC/MS-I and GC/MS-J), and their associated procedure, to confirm adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the characterization process for SCG S5000 debris waste relative to the requirements of the WIPP HWFP. |
S |
S |
S |
The surveillance team concluded that the laboratory program's new instruments were adequate and the procedure is satisfactorily implemented and effective.
S-12-10 |
11/01/11 |
Verified the operability, implementation, and effectiveness of the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC-1) used for analysis of samples for hydrazine and formaldehyde, to confirm the adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of this process for SCG S3000 solids and S4000 soils/gravel waste relative to the requirements of the WIPP HWFP. |
S |
S |
S |
The surveillance team concluded that formaldehyde and hydrazine HPLC-1 analyses at the INL/CCP ACL were acceptable, satisfactory, and effective. |
S-12-20 |
05/07/12 |
Evaluated the operational capability of INL/CCP Real-Time Radiography (RTR) Unit #RTR-0659 at the INTEC for characterization of RH SCG S3000 solids waste. The surveillance team verified that the INTEC RTR unit (RTR-0659) was capable of providing full penetration of the solid waste in waste stream IN-ID-BTO-030. |
S |
S |
S |
The surveillance team determined that the operational capability of RTR unit #RTR-0659 was acceptable, satisfactory and effective. |
S-13-17 |
01/09 - 01/10/13 |
Evaluated the operability, implementation, and effectiveness of the Gas Chromatography Unit 7 instrument used for the dual-column gas chromatographic separation and detection of nonhalogenated volatile organic compounds (VOC) in extracts of solid samples. |
S |
S |
S |
The surveillance team determined that the operational capability of the GC-7 instrument and procedures were acceptable, satisfactory, and effective. |
S-13-19 |
01/24/13 |
Evaluated the VET process for characterizing retrievably stored CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids waste at the RWMC ARP. |
S |
S |
S |
The surveillance team concluded that VET operations for retrievably stored CH solids waste are adequate in meeting upper-tier requirements, and procedures are satisfactorily implemented and effective in achieving the desired results. |
Table AUD-3. Los Alamos National Laboratory - Carlsbad Operations Assessments |
Organization Assessed |
Assessment Number |
Assessment Dates |
Scope of Assessments |
Adequacy |
Implementation |
Effectiveness |
A-08-13 |
02/26 - 02/28/08 |
Evaluated adequacy, effectiveness, and implementation of requirements in the LANL-CO/Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center (CEMRC) Interface Document, LANL-CO Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), and LANL-CO implementing procedures. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the LANL/CO - CEMRC implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-09-09 |
02/03 - 02/05/09 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, effectiveness, and implementation of requirements in the LANL-CO/CEMRC Interface Document, LANL-CO QAP, and LANL-CO implementing procedures. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the LANL/CO - CEMRC implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-10 |
02/02 - 02/04/10 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, effectiveness, and implementation of requirements in the LANL-CO/CEMRC Interface Document, LANL-CO QAP, and LANL-CO implementing procedures. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the LANL/CO - CEMRC implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-11-05 |
04/26 - 04/28/11 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, effectiveness, and implementation of requirements in the LANL-CO/CEMRC Interface Document, LANL-CO QAP, and LANL-CO implementing procedures. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the LANL/CO - CEMRC implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-12-07 |
05/08 - 05/10/12 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, effectiveness, and implementation of requirements in the LANL-CO/CEMRC Interface Document, LANL-CO QAP, and LANL-CO implementing procedures. |
S |
S |
S |
The defined QA program was satisfactorily implemented in accordance with the CBFO QAPD, and the LANL/CO - CEMRC implementing procedures. Technical areas evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
Table AUD-4. General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center Assessments |
Organization Assessed |
Assessment Number |
Assessment Dates |
Scope of Assessments |
Adequacy |
Implementation |
Effectiveness |
General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center (GEVNC) |
A-09-05 |
12/02 - 12/04/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of (GEVNC) TRU waste characterization activities performed for RH SCG S5000 debris waste by WTS/CCP. Activities were evaluated relative to the requirements of the WIPP HWFP, the CBFO QAPD, and other upper-tier requirement documents. |
S |
S |
S |
Technical and QA programs, as applicable to the audited activities, were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective for compliance with applicable upper-tier requirements. |
A-10-04 |
01/26 - 01/28/10 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of GEVNC TRU waste characterization activities performed for RH SCG S5000 debris waste by WTS/CCP. Emphasis was placed on activities completed since the previous Audit A-09-05 and the process for project termination/closure activities due to the completion of the waste characterization campaign at GEVNC. All activities were evaluated to verify compliance with the applicable requirements of the WIPP HWFP, the CBFO QAPD, and other upper-tier requirement documents. |
S |
S |
S |
Technical and QA programs, as applicable to the audited activities, were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective for compliance with applicable upper-tier requirements. |
Table AUD-6. Washington TRU Solutions/Nuclear Waste Partnership Assessments |
Organization Assessed |
Assessment Number |
Assessment Dates |
Scope of Assessments |
Adequacy |
Implementation |
Effectiveness |
A-08-07 |
01/14 - 01/18/08 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS/CCP QAP, which was established for controlling quality-affecting activities associated with the characterization and certification of TRU waste by CCP destined for disposal WIPP repository. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to the WTS/CCP QAP were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-08-14 |
02/12 - 02/14/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS WIPP Form Process, established for capturing, evaluating, and tracking the resolution of noted issues, deficiencies, and associated actions. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to the WTS WIPP Form Process were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-08-15 |
03/24 - 03/27/08 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA program related to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA)-1, 1989 Edition Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities Criteria 1-9. |
S |
S |
S |
WTS QA program activities related to NQA-1 Criteria 1-9 were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents.
A-08-17 |
04/08 - 04/11/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to CH and RH waste handling operations at the WIPP. The activities were evaluated with respect to the requirements defined in the WIPP HWFP, CBFO QAPD, and other requirement documents |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to the WTS waste handling operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-08-25 |
08/11 - 08/14/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of transportation activities performed under the CCP Program. The evaluation included CCP activities related to transportation activities performed by CCP at LANL, Savannah River Site (SRS), INL, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to CCP transportation operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-09-02 |
10/07 - 10/09/08 |
Evaluated WTS continued implementation of the QA program in relation to NQA-1, Criteria 10-18. |
S |
S |
S |
WTS QA program activities related to NQA-1 Criteria 10-18 were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents.
A-09-06 |
12/02 - 12/04/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of inter-site transportation activities performed under the WTS/CCP Program. The evaluation included CCP activities related to transportation activities performed by CCP at the Nevada Test Site. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the CCP transportation activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-09-10 |
02/24 - 02/26/09 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS/CCP QAP which was established for controlling quality-affecting activities associated with the characterization and certification of TRU waste by CCP destined for disposal WIPP repository. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to the WTS/CCP QAP were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-09-15 |
03/17 - 03/19/09 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program related to NQA-1 Criteria 1-9. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-09-23 |
07/07 - 07/09/09 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to CH and RH waste handling operations at the WIPP. |
S |
S |
S |
Activities related to the WTS waste handling operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-09-26 |
09/08 - 09/10/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to WTS compliance with Department of Energy (DOE) Order 226.1A, Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy, specifically the Contractor Requirements Document, Attachment 1. The WTS Quality Assurance Program Description, WP 13-1, governed the QA aspects of the audit. |
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WTS compliance with DOE Order 226.1A adequately addressed applicable upper-tier requirements and was satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
A-09-27 |
09/29 - 10/01/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of transportation activities performed by CCP at LANL, SRS, INL, GEVNC, ORNL, and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). |
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Requirements associated with CCP technical and QA program activities related to transportation were satisfactorily implemented and effective relative to the CBFO QAPD and upper tier requirements. |
A-10-02 |
10/06 - 10/08/09 |
Evaluated WTS continued implementation of the QA program in relation to NQA-1 Criteria 10 - 18.
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Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-05 |
06/22 - 06/24/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of inter-site transportation activities performed by the WTS/CCP. The evaluation included CCP transportation activities performed by CCP at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. |
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The audit team concluded that the CCP inter-site transportation activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-11 |
03/02 - 03/04/10 |
Continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS/CCP QA Program, established for controlling quality-affecting activities associated with CCP characterization and certification of TRU waste destined for disposal at the WIPP. |
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Activities related to the WTS/CCP QAP were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-18 |
09/14 - 09/16/10 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to CH and RH waste handling operations at the WIPP. |
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Activities related to the WTS waste handling operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-10-20 |
05/10 - 05/13/10 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program related to the WTS Monitoring Programs.
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Activities related to the WTS monitoring programs operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-10-21 |
04/13 - 04/15/10 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program as related to NQA-1 Criteria 1-9. |
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Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-10-25 |
09/21 - 09/23/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of transportation activities performed by CCP at LANL, SRS, INL, GEVNC, ORNL, Hanford, and ANL. |
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Requirements associated with CCP technical and QA program activities related to transportation were satisfactorily implemented and effective relative to the CBFO QAPD and upper tier requirements. |
A-11-02 |
10/05 - 10/07/10 |
Evaluated WTS continued implementation of the QA program in relation to NQA-1 Criteria 10 - 18.
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Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-11-06 |
03/01 - 03/03/11 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS/CCP QAP, which was established for controlling quality-affecting activities associated with the characterization and certification of TRU waste by CCP destined for disposal WIPP repository. |
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Activities related to the WTS/CCP QAP were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-11-07 |
03/15 - 03/17/11 |
Evaluate the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to records processes at the WIPP. |
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The audit team concluded that overall, WTS records processes were marginally adequate in addressing applicable upper-tier requirements and marginally implemented and effective. Six CARs were issued. Follow-up surveillance (S-12-01) was conducted in October, 2011 to verify completion and adequacy of corrective actions. |
A-11-09 |
04/12 - 04/14/11 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program as related to NQA-1 Criteria 1-9. |
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Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-11-16 |
08/30 - 09/01/11 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to CH and RH waste handling operations at the WIPP. |
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Activities related to the WTS waste handling operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-11-17 |
05/10 - 05/12/11 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program related to the WTS Monitoring Programs. |
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Activities related to the WTS monitoring programs operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-11-18 |
05/24 - 05/26/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of Transuranic Package Transporter-III (TRUPACT-III) activities related to shipping processes at the Mobile Loader Storage and Staging Site located in Carlsbad, NM. |
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The audit team concluded that overall, the TRUPACT -III activities evaluated were adequate in addressing applicable upper-tier requirements, satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
A-11-19 |
08/23 - 08/25/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of inter-site transportation activities performed by the WTS/CCP. The evaluation included documentation relating to waste shipped from various generator sites to the INL for characterization. |
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The audit team concluded that the CCP inter-site transportation activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-11-24 |
09/20 - 09/22/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of transportation activities performed by CCP at LANL, SRS, INL GEVNC, ORNL, Hanford, and ANL. |
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Requirements associated with CCP technical and QA program activities related to transportation were satisfactorily implemented and effective relative to the CBFO QAPD and upper tier requirements. |
A-12-01 |
10/04 - 10/06/11 |
Evaluated WTS continued implementation of the QA program in relation to NQA-1 Criteria 10 - 18.
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Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-12-09 |
03/06 - 03/08/12 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS/CCP QAP, which was established for controlling quality-affecting activities associated with the characterization and certification of TRU waste by CCP destined for disposal WIPP repository. |
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Activities related to the WTS/CCP QAP were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-12-17 |
04/03 - 04/05/12 |
Evaluate the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of QA and technical activities related to records processes at the WIPP. |
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Activities related to the records processes were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-12-18 |
04/10 - 04/12/12 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program related to NQA-1 Criteria 1-9. |
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Activities related to the WTS QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-12-21 |
08/07 - 08/09/12 |
Evaluated the continued adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program related to the WTS Monitoring Programs.
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Activities related to the WTS monitoring programs operations were adequate and satisfactorily implemented relative to the flow-down of requirements from the upper-tier documents. |
A-12-22 |
06/26 - 06/28/12 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of inter-site transportation activities performed by the WTS/CCP. The evaluation included documentation relating to waste shipped from various generator sites to the INL for characterization. |
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The audit team concluded that the CCP inter-site transportation activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-13-03 |
12/04 - 12/06/12 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of CCP plans and procedures related to waste transportation activities for shipment of TRU waste to the WIPP. |
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The audit team concluded that the applicable CCP transportation activities were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective for compliance with the upper-tier requirements documents. |
A-13-04 |
10/30 - 11/01/12 |
Evaluated NWP implementation of the QA program in relation to NQA-1 Criteria 10 - 18.
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Activities related to the NWP's QA Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
A-13-05 |
11/13 - 11/15/12 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the NWP programs and related procedures for compliance with DOE Order 226.1 B, Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy. The requirements prescribed in Attachment 1 of the Order, Contractor Requirements Document, were evaluated. |
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The audit team determined that NWP programs adequately addressed the upper-tier requirements of the Order, were effectively implemented, and achieved the desired results. |
S-08-14 |
08/19 - 08/21/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) activities. |
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The WTS NESHAP processes and associated activities were satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-08-18 |
09/22 - 09/25/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Ground Control and Geotechnical Engineering processes.
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The surveillance team determined that the WTS Ground Control and Geotechnical Engineering processes and associated activities were satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-08-19 |
09/11/08 -10/02/08 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective actions taken by WTS/CCP, as a result of the CAR 08-025. CAR 08-025 was issued as a result of an NCR, not due to an independent audit.
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Activities observed during the surveillance were satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-09-01 |
10/14 - 10/16/08 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and implementation of the requirements established to support safe mine operations at the WIPP. |
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The results of the surveillance concluded that the portions of the WTS program and procedures supporting safe mine operations were adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and effectively implemented. |
S-09-03 |
11/17 - 11/20/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Engineering Fire Protection processes. |
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The WTS Engineering Fire Protection processes and associated activities were adequately documented, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-04 |
12/09 - 12/11/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Fire/Emergency Response at the WIPP. |
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The WTS Fire/Emergency Response processes and associated activities were satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-09-07 |
12/16 - 12/18/08 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the Subsidence Survey Data Acquisition process at the WIPP. |
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The WTS Subsidence Survey Data Acquisition processes and associated activities were satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-11 |
01/20 - 01/22/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation and effectiveness of the WTS WIPP Form process (Issues Management) for compliance with applicable requirements. |
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The WTS WIPP Form process remains adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and is effectively implemented. |
S-09-12 |
02/17 - 02/19/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the Washington TRU Solutions Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (WTS/WRES) Waste Confirmation process. |
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The WTS/WRES Waste Confirmation process and associated activities were adequately documented, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-13 |
08/25 - 08/27/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Engineering Documented Safety Analyses (DSA)/Technical Safety Requirements (TSR) processes.
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The surveillance team determined that the WTS Engineering DSA/TSR processes and associated activities were adequately documented, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-14 |
03/31 - 04/02/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Maintenance Program, including calibration control processes.
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The WTS Maintenance Program, including calibration control processes and associated activities, was adequately documented, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-15 |
03/24 - 03/26/09 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and effective implementation of the WTS Groundwater Monitoring Program for compliance with applicable requirements. |
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The WTS Groundwater Monitoring Program was adequately documented, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-18 |
03/10 - 03/12/09 |
Evaluated the WTS Centralized Procurement Program task of providing a standardized system of acquisition and distribution of common or critical TRU waste commodities for the CBFO.
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The WTS Centralized Procurement Program adequately incorporated upper-tier requirements into program plans and Procedures. The Program Plan and procedures are satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-09-19 |
04/04 - 04/06/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Seismic Monitoring Program at the WIPP.
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The WTS Seismic Monitoring Program processes and associated activities were inadequate, unsatisfactorily implemented, and not effective. A CAR (09-037) categorized as significant, was issued. A corrective action plan was submitted and approved. Corrective actions were verified. Monitoring Programs re-evaluated in S-10-28. |
S-09-20 |
03/24 - 03/25/09 |
Evaluated the changes to the WTS 10 CFR Part 71, Subpart H, QA Program, as applied to the Type "B" containers. |
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The WTS 10 CFR Part 71, Subpart H, QA Program has been changed to adequately incorporate the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's changes made to their process. The WTS changes were satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-09-22 |
04/21 - 04/23/09 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the policies, plans, and procedures related to the operation, inspection, and maintenance of the WTS mine ventilation system. |
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Activities associated with the WTS mine ventilation system were adequate, satisfactory and effective. |
S-09-23 |
07/29 - 07/30/09 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and effective implementation of the WTS Meteorological Monitoring Program for compliance with applicable requirements. |
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The WTS Meteorological Monitoring Program remains adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and is effectively implemented. |
S-09-24 |
07/21 - 07/23/09 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of selected requirements applicable to security services associated with the WIPP. |
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Due to the limited scope and the number and nature of the concerns identified, the surveillance team concluded that implementation of the requirements governing security services was marginally effective. Three CARs were issued (09-052, 09-053, and 09-054). Corrective action plans were approved and resulting completed actions verified. Re-evaluated in S-13-16, after change in security contractor. |
S-09-26 |
06/02 - 06/03/09 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and effective implementation of the WTS Environmental Safe Drinking Water (SDW) Program for compliance with applicable requirements. |
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The WTS Environmental SDW Program was adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and is effectively implemented. |
S-09-27 |
09/22 - 09/24/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Graded Approach Program. |
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The WTS Graded Approach Program was adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-28 |
09/08 - 09/09/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS QA Program with respect to DP-831 procurement activities in accordance with CBFO documents. Verified the implementation and effectiveness of WTS engineering implementing processes for the new salt storage evaporation (SSE) pond. |
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Activities associated with the procurement of materials for the DP-831 SSE pond were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-09-31 |
07/14 - 07/16/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Radiological Control (RADCON) Program for site operations at the WIPP. |
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The WTS RADCON Program was marginally adequate, marginally implemented, and marginally effective. Four CARs were issued (09-048, 09-049, 09-050, and 09-051). Corrective actions for all CARs were verified to be complete. |
S-09-34 |
09/08 - 09/10/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Confined Space Control, Fall Protection, and Hearing Protection. |
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The WTS Confined Space, Fall, and Hearing Protection Program was adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and was effectively implemented. |
S-09-38 |
09/29 - 09/30/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Central Monitoring Room (CMR) and Transportation Tracking and Communication (TRANSCOM) Operations at the WIPP. |
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The WTS CMR and TRANSCOM Operations were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-02 |
11/17 - 11/19/09 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the Type B Packaging Program, as performed by WTS on the CH and RH TRU waste. |
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Activities associated with the Type B Packaging Program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-03 |
11/03 - 11/05/09 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and effective implementation of the WTS Environmental Conduct of Operations Program for compliance with applicable requirements.
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The WTS Conduct of Operations Program was adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-04 |
12/01 - 12/03/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS Ground Control and Geotechnical Engineering programs. |
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The WTS Ground Control and Geotechnical Engineering programs and associated activities were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-07 |
01/19 - 01/21/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy and implementation of the WIPP site fire/emergency response program.
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The WIPP site fire/emergency response program activities were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-08 |
01/05 - 01/07/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy and implementation of WP 12-3, Dosimetry Program, as applicable to activities at the WIPP.
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The WTS Dosimetry Program was determined to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-11 |
10/20 - 10/21/09 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the plans and procedures related to the Procurement and QA Oversight of the TRUPACT-III.
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The activities associated with Procurement and QA Oversight of the TRUPACT-III were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-12 |
12/17/09 01/27/10 02/10/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program with respect to the new DP-831 storage pond. Surveillance was conducted over a period of time because of construction and weather delays. This surveillance also evaluated and verified the implementation and effectiveness of WTS engineering implementing processes for the new DP-831 SSE Pond.
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Activities associated with the DP-831 storage pond were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-13 |
11/10 - 11/12/09 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of software quality assurance (SQA) controls performed by WTS and Insei related to the development of the Waste Data System (WDS), a web-based software application that includes the current WIPP Waste Information System (WWIS) software application. |
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WTS and Insei SQA procedures were adequate and satisfactorily implemented and documented, and implementation of the WTS/lnsei SQA process effectively provides for control of WDS development and promotion of the WDS software to production. |
S-10-16 |
04/13 - 04/15/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Maintenance Program, excluding calibration. |
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The WTS Maintenance Program was adequately documented, satisfactorily implemented, and effective.
S-10-24 |
05/04/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS activities that allow for the off-site shipment of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste to permitted disposal sites. |
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The WTS off-site shipment activities were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-28 |
06/22 - 06/24/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Seismic Monitoring Program. |
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The WTS Seismic Monitoring activities are adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-10-29 |
07/27 - 07/29/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy and implementation of selected portions of the WTS Industrial Safety and Health (IS&H) Program. |
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Overall, the program elements evaluated were adequate in addressing applicable upper-tier requirements; however, due to the number of concerns identified, the associated requirements were determined to be marginally implemented and effective. Seven CARs were issued (10-040 throuh 10-047). Corrective action plans were approved and completed actions were verified. |
S-11-01 |
10/19 - 10/21/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of SQA controls performed by WTS related to the development of WDS, a web-based software application that incorporates elements of the WWIS software application. |
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Activities associated with SQA controls performed by WTS were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-02 |
12/14 - 12/16/10 |
Evaluated the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Program, including generation, review, approval, and update of JHAs in both surface and underground operations. |
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The JHA program elements were adequate in addressing applicable upper-tier requirements; satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-03 |
12/07 - 12/09/10 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the WTS policies, plans, and procedures related to the electrical safety programs being implemented at the WIPP. Special emphasis was placed on evaluation of Lockout/Tagout (LO/TO) practices being conducted during the current program outage. |
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The WTS Electrical Safety Program and LO/TO processes were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-04 |
11/30 - 12/02/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Ground Control program, as implemented during the annual maintenance outage. |
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Activities related to the WTS Ground Control program were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-07 |
10/13/10 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Action Request/Work Control Process. |
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The WTS action request and work control process was adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-09 |
01/20/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy and implementation of the WTS QA Program with respect to the new DP-831 SSE Pond in accordance with required documents and procedures. |
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Activities associated with the DP-831 storage pond were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-17 |
03/01 -03/07/11 |
On February 12, 2011, during the processing of CH waste at the WIPP, Operations personnel noted twigs protruding from the corners of the lid/body joints of two SWBs being unloaded. The personnel notified the CMR and the CBFO site facility representative. The surveillance evaluated the WTS response and investigation of the incident as defined in WP 04-IM1000, Revision 8, Issues Management Processing of WIPP Forms.
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There were no deficiencies noted in WTS personnel handling of the identified issue. The conditions were identified immediately during unloading of the SWBs, documentation and proper notification were made in a timely manner, the issue was investigated in an acceptable and appropriate time frame, and the WIPP Form process was performed adequately to address the issue. |
S-11-19 |
07/26 - 07/28/11 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of selected WTS plans and procedures related to the WTS IS&H Program being implemented at the WIPP. |
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The WTS IS&H Program activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-22 |
08/16/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS NESHAP activities. |
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WTS NESHAP activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-24 |
08/23 - 08/24/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Commercial Grade Item (CGI) Dedication Program. |
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WTS CGI Dedication activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-25 |
09/20 - 09/22/11 |
Conducted as a follow-up to CBFO CAR 11-043. identified during audit A-11-14, which identified that some of the required AK documents INL/CCP were missing in the CCP Records files. Team evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the CCP collection and storage of the AK source documents and applicable forms. |
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The CCP AK Records activities evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-11-26 |
09/06 - 09/08/11 |
Evaluated the WTS work control process for compliance with WTS Management Control Procedure WP 10-WC3011, Work Control Process. |
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The WTS work control processes evaluated were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-12-01 |
10/04 - 10/06/11 |
Conducted as a follow-up to CARs 11-022 through 11-027 resulting from CBFO Audit A-11-07, which had identified numerous Conditions Adverse to Quality within the WTS Records Processes. |
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The WTS Records Processes were determined to be adequate in addressing upper-tier requirements, satisfactory in implementation of these requirements, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
S-12-02 |
10/11 - 10/13/11 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and implementation of the requirements established to support safe mine operations at the WIPP. |
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The surveillance team concluded that the WTS Mine Safety Program and applicable procedures are adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and effectively implemented. |
S-12-05 |
12/13 - 12/15/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the WTS Ground Control Program, with respect to the associated implementing procedures and revised activities since the last surveillance. |
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The surveillance team verified that the Ground Control Program meets the approved procedural requirements and is adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-12-07 |
09/25 - 09/27/12 |
Reviewed and evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of WTS transuranic waste operations as related to TRUPACT-III unloading operations for compliance with requirements set forth in the TRUPACT-III Operations Manual and the CBFO QAPD. |
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The surveillance team verified that TRUPACT-III unloading operations plans and procedures adequately address upper-tier requirements, are satisfactorily implemented, and are effective. The team determined that the TRUPACT-III processes and associated activities evaluated are satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-12-09 |
12/13 - 12/15/11 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the Subsidence Survey Data Acquisition process at the WIPP. |
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The surveillance team determined that the WTS Subsidence Monitoring Program was adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-12-11 |
09/18 - 09/20/12 |
Reviewed documentation and records, interviewed responsible personnel, and witnessed activities relative to the WTS Hazardous Communication and Control of Hazardous Chemicals/Gases Programs at the WIPP to verify compliance with applicable requirements. |
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The results of the surveillance confirm that the requirements applicable to WTS Hazard Communication (HazCom) and Control of Hazardous Chemicals/Gases are effectively implemented and the programs achieve the desired results. |
S-12-12 |
02/14 - 02/16/12 |
Verified the adequacy and implementation of Washington TRU Solutions Regulatory and Environmental Services (WTS/RES) Waste Confirmation activities in Carlsbad, NM, and Idaho Falls, ID. |
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S |
The results of the surveillance indicate that the WTS/RES Permittee Waste Confirmation activities are adequately established for compliance with upper-tier requirements, satisfactory in the implementation of those requirements, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
S-12-13 |
03/13 - 03/14/12 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the policies, plans, and procedures related to the WTS Centralized Procurement Program for procurement of items and services utilized in the operation and maintenance of the WIPP. |
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S |
The team determined that the WTS Centralized Procurement Program was adequately established, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-12-15 |
04/03/12 |
Verified adequacy and WTS implementation of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 71, Subpart H, Quality Assurance Program, as applied to Type B containers. |
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The surveillance team determined that the WTS 10 CFR Part 71, Subpart H, Quality Assurance Program, is adequate. The WTS procedures reviewed were found to be satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-12-17 |
04/17 - 04/19/12 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and implementation of the requirements established to support mine ventilation operations at the WIPP. |
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S |
The results of the surveillance indicate that the WTS Mine Ventilation Program remains adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and is effectively implemented. |
S-12-18 |
07/10 - 07/11/12 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and effective implementation of requirements associated with the WIPP Meteorological Monitoring Program. |
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S |
Evidence assembled and evaluated during the course of this assessment suggests that WTS meteorological activities conducted prior to the surveillance were performed appropriately and the program was achieving the desired results. |
S-12-19 |
05/08/12 |
Evaluated the WTS Environmental SDW Program implementing procedures for compliance to applicable upper-tier requirements documents. |
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S |
The results of the surveillance indicate that the WTS Environmental SDW Program remains adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-12-25 |
09/18 - 09/20/12 |
Evaluated the effectiveness of requirements associated with the WTS Graded Approach Program. |
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S |
The requirements associated with the WTS Graded Approach Program were satisfactorily implemented and achieved the desired results. |
S-13-01 |
11/13 - 11/14/12 |
Evaluated the degree of adequacy and effective implementation of the NWP, LLC/CCP Integrated Data Center (IDC) On-Line Training System for compliance with applicable requirements. |
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S |
The results of the surveillance indicate that although the IDC On-line Training System is not fully implemented, it remains adequate for compliance with upper-tier requirements and all elements are implemented and captured either in the IDC system or in other off-line processes. |
S-13-02 |
11/13 - 11/15/12 |
Evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the NWP CMR (CMR) and TRANSCOM Operations at the WIPP site.
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The surveillance team determined that the NWP CMR and TRANSCOM Operations were adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
S-13-03 |
12/04 - 12/06/12 |
Evaluated the effectiveness of requirements associated with the NWP IS&H Program. |
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S |
The NWP IS&H Program at WIPP was found to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
S-13-07 |
01/29 -01/31/13 |
Verified the adequacy and implementation of the NWP QA Program with respect to Type B packaging to be used at the WIPP. |
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S |
The surveillance team determined that the NWP 10 CFR Part 71, Subpart H, QA Program is adequate. The NWP procedures reviewed were found to be satisfactorily implemented and effective in achieving the desired results.
S-13-11 |
10/10 - 10/11/12 |
Reviewed and evaluated the adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the NWP/CCP NDA waste characterization process using the Nondestructive Assay Box Counter (NABC) gamma modality with the Five Foot Setback Configuration for the purposes of characterizing and certifying CH SCGs S3000 homogeneous solids, S4000 soils/gravel, and S5000 debris wastes in 55-gallon drums. |
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The team determined that the NABCs Five Foot Setback Configuration procedures adequately address upper-tier requirements, are satisfactorily implemented and are effective. The processes and associated activities evaluated are satisfactorily implemented and effective. |
S-13-16 |
01/15 - 01/17/13 |
Evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of selected portions of the WIPP security program established for compliance with security-related, upper-tier requirements and the CBFO QAPD. |
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The surveillance team concluded the selected-scope of the WIPP Security Program is compliant with security-related, upper-tier requirements, and the program is adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective. |
Table AUD-7. Sandia National Laboratories/Carlsbad Program Group Assessments |
Organization Assessed |
Assessment Number |
Assessment Dates |
Scope of Assessments |
Adequacy |
Implementation |
Effectiveness |
A-09-04 |
11/04 - 11/05/08 |
Verified the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the SNL/CPG WIPP QA program for WIPP activities in accordance with the CBFO QAPD. |
S |
S |
S |
The SNL/CPG WIPP QA Program was found to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
A-10-09 |
11/16 - 11/19/09 |
Verified the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the SNL/CPG WIPP QA program for WIPP activities in accordance with the CBFO QAPD. |
S |
S |
S |
The SNL/CPG WIPP QA Program was found to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
A-11-03 |
11/16 - 11/23/10 |
Verified the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the SNL/CPG WIPP QA program for WIPP activities in accordance with the CBFO QAPD. |
S |
S |
S |
The SNL/CPG WIPP QA Program was found to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
A-12-05 |
12/06 - 12/08/11 |
Verified the continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the SNL/CPG WIPP QA program for WIPP activities in accordance with the CBFO QAPD. |
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S |
The SNL/CPG WIPP QA Program was found to be adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
Table AUD-11. Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project Assessments |
Organization Assessed |
Assessment Number |
Assessment Dates |
Scope of Assessments |
Adequacy |
Implementation |
Effectiveness |
A-08-09 |
06/24 - 06/25/08 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project (AMWTP) QA program and the technical processes related to AMWTP characterization and certification activities for CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids and CH SCG S5000 debris wastes |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the applicable AMWTP container-in-container solids sampling activities, as described in the associated AMWTP implementing procedure, are adequate, satisfactorily implemented, and effective in meeting the requirements of the HWFP. |
A-08-19 |
09/08 - 09/11/08 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the AMWTP QA program and the technical processes related to AMWTP characterization and certification activities for CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids and CH SCG S5000 debris wastes. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the applicable AMWTP waste characterization activities/QA and technical processes, as described in the associated implementing procedures, continue to adequately meet the requirements of the HWFP. |
A-09-19 |
08/18 - 08/20/09 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the AMWTP QA program and the technical processes related to AMWTP characterization and certification activities for CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids and CH SCG S5000 debris wastes. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the applicable AMWTP waste characterization activities/QA and technical processes, as described in the associated implementing procedures, continue to adequately meet the requirements of the HWFP. |
A-10-24 |
08/23 - 08/26/10 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the AMWTP QA program and the technical processes related to AMWTP characterization and certification activities for CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids and CH SCG S5000 debris wastes. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the applicable AMWTP waste characterization activities/QA and technical processes as described in the associated implementing procedures, continue to adequately meet the requirements of the HWFP. |
A-12-03 |
11/01 - 11/03/11 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the AMWTP QA program and the technical processes related to AMWTP characterization and certification activities for CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids and CH SCG S5000 debris wastes. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the applicable AMWTP waste characterization activities/ QA and technical processes, as described in the associated implementing procedures, continue to adequately meet the requirements of the HWFP. |
A-13-01 |
10/15 -10/18/12 |
Evaluated continued adequacy, implementation, and effectiveness of the AMWTP QA program and the technical processes related to AMWTP characterization and certification activities for CH SCG S3000 homogeneous solids and CH SCG S5000 debris wastes. |
S |
S |
S |
The audit team concluded that the applicable AMWTP waste characterization activities/ QA and technical processes, as described in the associated implementing procedures, continue to adequately meet the requirements of the HWFP. |
S-11-30 |
08/30/11 |
Observed and evaluated the AMWTP VE operations performed at INL for characterizing SCG S3000 CH homogeneous solids waste.
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The results of the surveillance indicate that the AMWTP activities related to VE of CH SCG S3000 waste using the equipment and procedures examined and subject to the measurement controls in place are adequately established for compliance with upper-tier requirements, satisfactory in the implementation of the requirements, and effective in achieving the desired results. |
(*Indicates a reference that has not been previously submitted.)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 2009. Title 40 CFR Part 191 Compliance Recertification Application for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (March). DOE/WIPP 2009-3424. Carlsbad, NM: Carlsbad Field Office.* [Author]
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 2010. Quality Assurance Program Document, Revision 11 (June). DOE/CBFO-94-1012. Carlsbad, NM: Carlsbad Field Office.* [PDF / Author]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1993. "40 CFR Part 191: Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for the Management and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes; Final Rule." Federal Register, vol. 58 (December 20, 1993): 66398-416. [PDF / Author]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1996. "40 CFR Part 194: Criteria for the Certification and Recertification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's Compliance With the 40 CFR Part 191 Disposal Regulations; Final Rule." Federal Register, vol. 61 (February 9, 1996): 5223-45. [PDF / Author]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010. "40 CFR Part 194: Criteria for the Certification and Recertification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's Compliance with the Disposal Regulations: Recertification Decision; Final Rule." Federal Register, vol. 75 (November 18, 2010): 70584-595.* [PDF / Author]