Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Banaszak, J.E., B.E. Rittmann, and D.T. Reed
Banaszak, J.E., B.E. Rittmann, and D.T. Reed. 1998.
Subsurface Interactions of Actinide Species and Microorganisms: Implications for the Bioremediation of Actinide-Organic Mixtures
. ANL-98/26. Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory.
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-2.4.1
, Microbial Effects in the WIPP
Subsection SOTERM-
, Bioreduction of Multivalent Actinides
Subsection SOTERM-3.0
, WIPP-Relevant Actinide Chemistry
Subsection SOTERM-
, Uranium Subsurface Redox Chemistry
Subsection SOTERM-
, Bioreduction of Higher-Valent Plutonium
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References