Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Beauheim, R.L., and G.J. Ruskauff
Beauheim, R.L., and G.J. Ruskauff. 1998.
Analysis of Hydraulic Tests of the Culebra and Magenta Dolomites and Dewey Lake Redbeds Conducted at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site
. SAND98-0049. ERMS 251839. Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix HYDRO
: Hydrological Investigations
Subsection HYDRO-9.4
, Conclusions
Subsection HYDRO-11.0
, References
Appendix SCR
: Feature, Event, and Process Screening for PA
Subsection SCR-
, Connections Between the Culebra and Shallower Units
Subsection SCR-7.0
, References
Appendix TFIELD
: Transmissivity Fields
Subsection TFIELD-3.1
, Fracture Interconnection
Subsection TFIELD-11.0
, References