Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Beauheim, R.L., and S.A. McKenna
Beauheim, R.L., and S.A. McKenna. 2003.
Analysis Plan for Optimization and Minimization of the Culebra Monitoring Network for the WIPP
. AP-111. ERMS 533092. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix DATA
: Appendix DATA-2009
Subsection DATA-11.2.2
, Culebra Water-Level Rise Investigation
Subsection DATA-13.0
, References
Appendix HYDRO
: Hydrological Investigations
Subsection HYDRO-1.0Hydrological
, Studies
Subsection HYDRO-2.0
, Optimization of Culebra Monitoring Well Network
Subsection HYDRO-11.0
, References