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Choppin, G.R.
Choppin, G.R. 1983. “
Solution Chemistry of the Actinides
,” Radiochimica Acta, vol. 32: 43–53.
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-3.8.1
, Actinide Colloids in the Environment
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References
Choppin, G.R. 1988. “Humic and Radionuclide Migration.” Radiochimica Acta, vol. 44/45: 23−28.
Appendix MgO
: Magnesium Oxide as an Engineered Barrier
Subsection MgO-5.2
, Effects of MgO on Colloidal Actinide (An) Concentrations
Subsection MgO-7.0
, References
Choppin, G.R. 1988.
Letter to L.H. Brush
. 29 December 1988. WIPP Central Files, Tallahassee, FL.
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-4.6
, Calculation of the Effects of Organic Ligands on Actinide Solubility
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References
Choppin, G.R. 1999. “
Utility of Oxidation State Analogs in the Study of Plutonium Behavior
.” Radiochimica Acta, vol. 85: 89–95.
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-3.7
, Complexation of Actinides by WIPP Organic Chelating Agents
Subsection SOTERM-4.2
, Use of Oxidation-State-Invariant Analogs
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References