Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Fox, B.
Fox, B. 2003.
Analysis of EPA Unit Loading Calculation, Compliance Recertification Application (Superceded ERMS 530304, Revision 1)
. ERMS 531582. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Section 31
: Application of Release Limits
Subsection 31.4
, Changes in the CRA-2004
Subsection 31.7
, References
Fox, B. 2003b.
Calculation of Decayed Radionuclide Inventories for the Compliance Recertification Application
(Revision 1, August 22). ERMS 530992. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix IGP
: Individual and Groundwater
Subsection IGP-3.3.2
, Combined 226Ra and 228Ra
Subsection IGP-5.0
, References
Fox, B. 2003a.
Radionuclides Expected to Dominate Potential Releases in the Compliance Recertification Application
(Revision 1, August 26). ERMS 531086. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix IGP
: Individual and Groundwater
Subsection IGP-5.0
, References
Fox, B. 2005.
Analysis Package for EPA Unit Loading Calculations, Performance Assessment Baseline Calculation
. ERMS 540378. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix PA
: Performance Assessment
Subsection PA-6.5
, Generation of Individual Futures
Subsection PA-
, Construction of Cuttings and Cavings Releases
Subsection PA-
, Construction of Spallings Releases
Subsection PA-10.0
, References
Fox, B. 2008.
Parameter Summary Report for the CRA-2009 (Revision 0)
. ERMS 549747. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix DATA
: Appendix DATA-2009
Subsection DATA-1.1
, Reported Data
Subsection DATA-13.0
, References
Appendix IGP
: Individual and Groundwater
Subsection IGP-2.1Compliance
, Assessment of Undisturbed Performance
Subsection IGP-2.5
, Parameter Values
Subsection IGP-5.0
, References
Appendix MASS
: Performance Assessment Modeling Assumptions
Subsection MASS-3.2
, Hydrogen Gas as Surrogate for Waste-Generated Gas Physical Properties in BRAGFLO and DRSPALL
Subsection MASS-13.3
, The Fracture Model
Subsection MASS-15.0
, Flow Through the Culebra
Subsection MASS-16.1
, Cuttings, Cavings, and Spallings Releases during Drilling
Subsection MASS-22.0
, References
Appendix PA
: Performance Assessment
Subsection PA-1.0
, Introduction
Subsection PA-2.2.4
, Probabilistic Characterization of Parameter Uncertainty
Subsection PA-2.3.3
, Calculation of Scenario Consequences
Subsection PA-3.3
, Drilling Intrusion
Subsection PA-3.4
, Penetration of Excavated/Nonexcavated Area
Subsection PA-3.7
, Plugging Pattern
Subsection PA-3.8
, Activity Level
Subsection PA-3.9
, Mining Time
Subsection PA-4.2.4
, Fracturing of MBs and DRZ
Subsection PA-4.2.5
, Gas Generation
Subsection PA-4.5.1
, Cuttings
Subsection PA-4.5.2
, Cavings
Subsection PA-
, Turbulent Flow Model
Subsection PA-
, Calculation of Rf
Subsection PA-
, Advective Transport in Fractures
Subsection PA-5.3
, Variable Distributions
Subsection PA-
, Construction of Cuttings and Cavings Releases
Subsection PA-10.0
, References
Section 23
: Models and Computer Codes
, Mathematical Models
Subsection 23.9.5
, Changes or New Information Since the 2004 Recertification
Subsection 23.11.5
, Changes or New Information Since the 2004 Recertification
Subsection 23.13
, References
Section 34
: Results of Performance Assessments
Subsection 34.3.5
, Changes or New Information Since the 2004 Recertification
Subsection 34.8
, References
Section 44
: Engineered Barriers
, Shaft Seals
, Panel Closures
, Borehole Plugs
Subsection 44.7
, References
Fox, B. 2008.
Parameter Summary Report for the CRA-2009. Revision 0
. ERMS 549747. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Section 55
: Results of Compliance Assessments
Subsection 55.6
, Changes or New Information Since the 2004 Recertification
Subsection 55.7
, References