Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Francis, A.J., and J.B. Gillow
Francis, A.J., and J.B. Gillow. 1994.
Effects of Microbial Processes on Gas Generation Under Expected Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Repository Conditions. Progress Report through 1992
. SAND93-7036. Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix MgO
: Magnesium Oxide as an Engineered Barrier
Subsection MgO-
, Microbial Gas Generation
Subsection MgO-6.2.1
, Establishment of the MgO Excess Factor
Subsection MgO-7.0
, References
Appendix SCR
: Feature, Event, and Process Screening for PA
Subsection SCR-
, Effects of Temperature on Microbial Gas Generation
Subsection SCR-
, Effects of Biofilms on Microbial Gas Generation
Subsection SCR-
, Screening Argument
Subsection SCR-7.0
, References
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-2.4.1
, Microbial Effects in the WIPP
Subsection SOTERM-
, Gas Generation and Microbial Degradation of CPR Materials
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References
Francis, A.J., and J.B. Gillow. 2000.
Memorandum to Y. Wang (Subject: Progress Report: Microbial Gas Generation Program)
. 6 January 2000. ERMS 509352. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.
Appendix MgO
: Magnesium Oxide as an Engineered Barrier
Subsection MgO-
, Microbial Gas Generation
Subsection MgO-6.2.2
, Reduction of the MgO Excess Factor from 1.95 to 1.67
Subsection MgO-
, Additional Evidence for Microbial Methanogenesis under Expected WIPP Conditions
Subsection MgO-7.0
, References
Appendix SCR
: Feature, Event, and Process Screening for PA
Subsection SCR-
, Screening Argument
Subsection SCR-7.0
, References