Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Hillesheim, M.B., R.L. Beauheim, and R.G. Richardson
Hillesheim, M.B., R.L. Beauheim, and R.G. Richardson. 2006. “
Overview of the WIPP Groundwater Monitoring Programs with Inferences about Karst in the WIPP Vicinity
.” Caves and Karst of Southeastern New Mexico (pp. 277–86). L. Land, V.W. Lueth, W. Raatz, P. Boston, and D.L. Love, eds. 57th Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebook. Socorro, NM: New Mexico Geological Society.
Appendix HYDRO
: Hydrological Investigations
Subsection HYDRO-7.2
, Karst
Subsection HYDRO-11.0
, References