Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Novak, C.F.
Novak, C.F. 1995.
The WIPP Actinide Source Term: Test Plan for the Conceptual Model and the Dissolved Concentration Submodel
. SAND95-1985. WPO 27860. Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-4.5
, Calculations of Actinide Solubility Using the FMT Computer Code
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References
Novak, C.F. 1997.
Memorandum to R.V. Bynum (Subject: Calculation of Actinide Solubilities in WIPP SPC and ERDA-6 Brines under MgO Backfill Scenarios Containing either Nesquehonite or Hydromagnesite as the Mg-CO3 Solubility-Limiting Phase)
. 21 April 1997. ERMS 246124. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix MgO
: Magnesium Oxide as an Engineered Barrier
Subsection MgO-4.1.1
, Hydration of Premier MgO
Subsection MgO-7.0
, References