Compliance Recertification Application 2009
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Stein, J.S.
Stein, J.S. 2002.
Memorandum to M.K. Knowles (Subject: Methodology behind the TBM BRAGFLO Grid)
, 13 May 2002. ERMS 522373. U.S. Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories, Carlsbad, NM.
Appendix PA
: Performance Assessment
Subsection PA-10.0
, References
Stein, J.S. 2003a.
Analysis Plan for Calculations of Direct Brine Releases: Compliance Recertification Application
. AP-104. ERMS 528743. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Appendix MASS
: Performance Assessment Modeling Assumptions
Subsection MASS-16.2
, Direct Brine Releases during Drilling
Subsection MASS-22.0
, References
Stein, J.S. 2003b.
Memorandum to D. Kessel (Subject: Correlation between Bulk Compressibility and Porosity in the Castile Brine Pocket as Modeled in BRAGFLO)
. April 2003. ERMS 527293. Sandia National Laboratories: Carlsbad, NM.
Appendix MASS
: Performance Assessment Modeling Assumptions
Subsection MASS-18.0
, Castile Brine Reservoir
Subsection MASS-22.0
, References
Stein, J.S. 2005.
Memorandum to L.H. Brush (Subject: Estimate of Volume of Brine in Repository That Leads to a Brine Release)
. 13 April 2005. ERMS 539372. U.S. Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.
Appendix DATA
: Appendix DATA-2009
Subsection DATA-9.2
, Reported Data
Subsection DATA-13.0
, References
Appendix PA
: Performance Assessment
Subsection PA-4.4.3
, Implementation in PA
Subsection PA-10.0
, References
Appendix SOTERM
: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-2.2.1
, Repository Pressure
Subsection SOTERM-2.2.4
, Minimum Repository Brine Volume
Subsection SOTERM-4.0
, Calculation of the WIPP Actinide Source Term
Subsection SOTERM-6.0
, References
Section 24
: Waste Characterization
, Solubility
Subsection 24.7
, References