Compliance Recertification Application 2009
CRA-2009 Main
CFR Index
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Trinity Engineering Associates
Trinity Engineering Associates (TEA). 2004.
Review of Effects of Supercompacted Waste and Heterogeneous Waste Emplacement on WIPP Repository Performance
(March 17). Cincinnati: Trinity Engineering Associates.
Appendix MgO
: Magnesium Oxide as an Engineered Barrier
Subsection MgO-2.1.3
, Changes Since the CRA-2004 in Emplacement of MgO
Subsection MgO-6.2.3
, Additional Developments Relevant to the MgO Excess Factor Prior to the CRA-2004
Subsection MgO-
, The EPA’s Response to the DOE’s Analysis of Transport of Naturally Occurring SO42- into the WIPP
Subsection MgO-6.2.4
, Changes since the CRA-2004 in the MgO Excess Factor
Subsection MgO-
, Uncertainties in the CO2 Yield From Microbial Consumption of CPR Materials
Subsection MgO-7.0
, References
Trinity Engineering Associates (TEA). 2004.
Review of Effects of Supercompacted Waste and Heterogeneous Waste Emplacement on WIPP Repository Performance
(March 17). Cincinnati: Trinity Engineering Associates.
Section 44
: Engineered Barriers
, Change to Allow Compressed Waste from the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project
Subsection 44.7
, References