Compliance Recertification Application 2014
CRA-2014 Table of Contents

- Executive Summary
- Structure of the CRA-2014
- Section 8: Approval Process for Waste Shipment From Waste Generator Sites for Disposal at the WIPP
- Section 15: Content of Compliance Recertification Application(s)
- Section 21: Inspections
- Section 22: Quality Assurance
- Section 23: Models and Computer Codes
- Section 24: Waste Characterization
- Section 25: Future State Assumptions
- Section 26: Expert Judgment
- Section 27: Peer Review
- Section 31: Application of Release Limits
- Section 32: Scope of Performance Assessments
- Section 33: Consideration of Drilling Events in Performance Assessments
- Section 34: Results of Performance Assessments
- Section 41: Active Institutional Controls
- Section 42: Monitoring
- Section 43: Passive Institutional Controls
- Section 44: Engineered Barriers
- Section 45: Consideration of the Presence of Resources
- Section 46: Removal of Waste
- Section 53: Consideration of Underground Sources of Drinking Water
- Section 54: Scope of Compliance Assessments
- Section 55: Results of Compliance Assessments
- Section 51-52: Consideration of Protected Individual and Exposure Pathways
Appendixes, Attachments, and Annexes
- Appendix AUD: Audits and Surveillances
- Appendix DATA: Monitoring Data and Reports
- Appendix HYDRO: Hydrological Investigations
- Appendix IGP: Individual and Groundwater Protection Requirements
- Appendix MASS: Performance Assessment Modeling Assumptions
- Appendix MgO: Magnesium Oxide as an Engineered Barrier
- Appendix MON: WIPP Monitoring Programs
- Appendix PA: Performance Assessment
- Appendix PORSURF: Porosity Surface
- Appendix SCR: Feature, Event, and Process Screening for PA
- Appendix SOTERM: Actinide Chemistry Source Term
- Appendix TFIELD: Transmissivity Fields
- Appendix DATA Attachment A: WIPP Borehole Update
- Appendix DATA Attachment B: WIPP Waste Containers and Emplacement
- Appendix TFIELD Attachment A: Attachment A: TFIELD-2014 Visualization
- Appendix WRAC-2014: Waste Removal After Closure