EPA Certification - Documents

Compliance Certification Application
DOE's 72,000-page application submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showing how WIPP meets all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards. (Click on CCA -1996)

Compliance Recertification Application - 2004
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Compliance Recertification Application - 2009
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Compliance Recertification Application - 2014
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Compliance Recertification Application - 2019
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Criteria for the Certification and Recertification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's Compliance With the Disposal Regulations; Panel Closure Redesign.

EPA Letter of Approval to Land Dispose of Non-Liquid Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) at WIPP

Recertification Project Plan - A current copy of the Recertification Project Plan is available upon request from CBFO Director of the Environmental Regulatory Compliance Division.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Delaware Basin Monitoring Annual Report - DOE/WIPP-22-2308 Rev. 0
Effective Date: 12/14/22
Report monitoring drilling activities in the vicinity of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Initial Report for PCB Disposal Authorization DOE/WIPP 02-3196,
This document provides request authorization to allow the disposal of Transuranic (TRU) wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which are duly regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

EPA Letter of Approval for Disposal of PCB/TRU and PCB/TRU Mixed Waste at WIPP.
This document provides EPA approval for the disposal of TRU and TRU-Mixed waste containing PCBs at the WIPP. Attached to this document is a list of conditions affecting the disposal of this waste. Dated 01/05/11

EPA Letter of Reauthorization Approval of Storage and Disposal of PCB/TRU Mixed Waste at WIPP
This document provides EPA approval for the disposal of TRU and TRU-Mixed waste containing PCBs at the WIPP. Attached to this document is a list of conditions affecting the disposal of this waste. Dated 05/11/24

EPA Letter of Re-authorization Approval for Disposal of PCB/TRU and PCB/TRU Mixed Waste at WIPP.
This document provides EPA approval for the disposal of TRU and TRU-Mixed waste containing PCBs at the WIPP. Attached to this document is a list of conditions affecting the disposal of this waste. Dated 05/21/13

A Management Proposal for Salt Disposal Investigations with a Field Scale Heater Test at WIPP.
June 2011

Other EPA Compliance Certification Documents