Documents Library By Title

Documents Library By Title

40 CFR Part 191
Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes.

40 CFR Part 194
Criteria for the certification and re-certification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with the 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations.


Accelerating Cleanup: Paths to Closure
The Department of Energy Carlsbad Field Office's proposed approach to cleaning up and closing transuranic waste storage sites.

Adoption of Environmental Assessment DOI-BLM-NM-P020-11-1414 Double Eagle Water System
October 2011
This document examines the potential environmental impacts associated with providing DOE funding for the proposed improvements to the City of Carlsbad Double Eagle Water System

Amendment to the Record of Decision for the Department of Energy's Waste Management Program: Treatment and Storage of Transuranic Waste
This Federal Register Notice relates to DOE sending contact-handled and remote-handled transuranic waste from certain generator sites as needed to the Idaho National Laboratory to be treated and characterized prior to shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant for disposal.

Annual Transuranic Waste Inventory Report - 2023
DOE/TRU-23-3425 Rev. 0
Effective date: February 2024
The information presented in the ATWIR - 2023 serves as a current baseline of the TRU waste inventory for potential disposal at WIPP and may be considered in future Compliance Recertification Applications. The TRU Waste Inventory Profile Reports (Appendices A and B) reflect the information reported by the TRU waste sites.

Approved Permit modifications
Approved modifications that have been incorporated into the permit.

August 2004 Solid Waste Management Report
Solid Waste Management Unit Activities from May 1, 2004 through July 31, 2004, August 2004 Quarterly Progress Report

B: No Documents at this time.


Compliance Certification Application
DOE's 72,000-page application submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showing how WIPP meets all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards. (Click on CCA -1996)

Compliance Monitoring Implementation Plan for 40 CFR §191.14(b), Assurance Requirement
DOE/WIPP-99-3119 Rev. 9
Effective date: 5/25/2023

Compliance Recertification Application - 2004
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Compliance Recertification Application - 2009
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Compliance Recertification Application - 2014
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

Compliance Recertification Application - 2019
The recertification application showing how WIPP continues to meet all applicable federal transuranic radioactive waste standards.

D: No Documents at this time.


Environmental Assessment for Actinide Chemistry and Repository Science Laboratory
January 2006
This document examines the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed construction and operation of an Actinide Chemistry and Repository Science Laboratory (ACRSL) along with other reasonable alternatives to support chemical research activities related to WIPP.

Environmental Assessment for Conducting Astrophysics and Other Basic Science Experiments at the WIPP Site
DOE/EA-1340, Jan. 2001
This document examines the potential environmental consequences from conducting particular types of scientific experiments in the experiment gallery at WIPP, including the potential cumulative impacts of conducting experiments with the operation of WIPP as a TRU waste repository.

Environmental Assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant North Access Bypass Road
DOE/EA-2077, October 2018
This document examines the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed construction of an approximate three mile in length North Access Bypass Road to divert traffic not related to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) away from the WIPP facility and parking lot entrances.

EPA Letter of Approval to Land Dispose of Non-Liquid Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) at WIPP
This document provides EPA approval for the disposal of TRU and TRU-Mixed waste containing PCBs at the WIPP. Attached to this document is a list of conditions affecting the disposal of this waste.

EPA Letter of Approval for Disposal of PCB/TRU and PCB/TRU Mixed Waste at WIPP
This document provides EPA approval for the disposal of TRU and TRU-Mixed waste containing PCBs at the WIPP. Attached to this document is a list of conditions affecting the disposal of this waste. Dated 4/30/08

EPA Letter of Approval for Disposal of PCB/TRU and PCB/TRU Mixed Waste at WIPP
This document provides EPA approval for the disposal of TRU and TRU-Mixed waste containing PCBs at the WIPP. Attached to this document is a list of conditions affecting the disposal of this waste. Dated 5/21/13


Finding of No Significant Impact
DOE/EA-1905, November 2011
Department of Energy Funding for City of Carlsbad Double Eagle Water System

Finding of No Significant Impact
DOE/EA-2077, October 2018
North Access Bypass Road near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

G: No Documents at this time.


HalfPACT Certificate of Compliance, Rev. 6

January 2011

I: No Documents at this time.

J: No Documents at this time.


The Karst and Related Issues at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Effective date: 6/23/09

L: No Documents at this time.


Mobile Systems Capabilities for Transuranic Waste Characterization
A comprehensive database documenting all available technologies related to mobile characterization, treatment, and repackaging of transuranic waste.


National TRU Programs Lessons Learned Plan
DOE/CBFO-16-3560 Rev 0
Effective date 03/16


Other EPA Compliance Certification Documents

  • CRA - 2004 - Revised Version - Incorporated EPA comment and errata EPA's Final Recertification Decision
  • EPA's requests, DOE's Responses, and EPA's Completeness Determination
  • Compliance Certification Application (CCA) Chapters and Appendices
  • CRA and CCA Compliance Application Review Documents (CARDs) and Technical Support Documents (TSDs)
  • Regulatory Tools, Guidance documents for the CRA - 2004

Other RCRA-related documentation
Links to other Permit-related documents that are available on this home page.

Overview of the WIPP Effluent Monitoring Program - technical paper
Provides an overview of the effluent air monitoring activities at WIPP. The Effluent Monitoring Program is designed to comply with the EPA radiation protection standards for management and storage of transuranic (TRU)-waste at the WIPP during the operational period. The standards issued by the EPA are contained in Title 40 CFR, Part 191, Subpart A.


Performance Demonstration Program Management Plan
DOE/CBFO-01-3107 Rev. 11
Effective date: 03/31/22

Performance Demonstration Program Plan for Nondestructive Assay of Boxed Wastes for the TRU Waste Characterization Program
DOE/CBFO-01-1006 Rev. 8
Effective date: 05/24/22

Performance Demonstration Program Plan for Nondestructive Assay of Criticality Control Overpacks for the TRU Waste Characterization Program
DOE/CBFO-21-3630 Rev. 0
Effective date: 07/27/21

Performance Demonstration Program Plan for Nondestructive Assay of Drummed Wastes for the TRU Waste Characterization Program
DOE/CBFO-01-1005 Rev. 8
Effective date: 03/31/22

Pioneering Nuclear Waste Disposal
DOE/CAO-00-3124, Feb. 2000
Documents the 40-plus year history of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and looks forward to challenges for the future.

Proposed Permit modifications (Drafts)
These documents are NOT FINAL and have not been formally submitted to the permitting authority for approval. These Documents are subject to future change at the discretion of the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE).


Quality Assurance Program Document
DOE/CBFO-94-1012, Rev. 14
Effective date: 11/06/23


Record of Decision for the Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase, 63 FR 3624, January 23, 1998
This Federal Register Notice provides the Department of Energy's Record of Decision to dispose of transuranic (TRU) waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

Recovery Guide for TRU Waste Packages
DOE/CBFO-94-1007 Rev. 8
Effective: 05/23/17

Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Characterization Plan
Effective date 4/30/03

Remote Handled TRU Waste Characterization Program Implementation Plan
DOE/WIPP-02-3214 Rev. 5
Effective Date: 11/01/2023

Remote Handled Transuranic Waste Study
DOE/CAO-95-1095, Oct. 1995
This study was conducted to satisfy the requirements defined by the WIPP Land Withdrawal Act and considered by DOE to be a prudent exercise in the compliance certification process.

RH-72B Certificate of Compliance, Rev. 5
March 2010


Safety Evaluation Report Addendum for Incorporation of Page Change 001a into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Documented Safety Analysis, DOE/WIPP-07-3372, Revision 8, and Technical Safety Requirements, DOE/WIPP-07-3373, Revision 8
DOE/WIPP-16-3565, Rev. 7
Effective: 9/19/2022

Strategic Plan for Groundwater Monitoring at the WIPP
Describes the groundwater monitoring scope, objectives, responsibilities, compliance drivers, technical considerations, and overall approach to monitoring the hydrological units below the surface within the vicinity of the WIPP repository. This document provides the hierarchy for the development of specific plans for the short and long-term monitoring.

Submitted RCRA Class 1 modifications to the Permit submitted in the last 90 days
View current RCRA Class 1 modifications submitted for incorporation to the Permit submitted in the last 90 days.

Submitted RCRA Class 1* (star) modifications
Class 1* (star) modifications submitted for NMED approval.

Submitted RCRA Class 2 and Class 3 Permit Modifications
View RCRA Class 2 and Class 3 modifications.

Supplement Analysis for the Disposal of Certain Rocky Flats Plutonium Bearing Materials at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
This document examines the environmental impacts of disposing of additional volumes of plutonium bearing materials from Rocky Flats at WIPP. These plutonium bearing materials have plutonium concentrations similar to the Rocky Flats plutonium residues previously authorized for disposal at WIPP.

Supplement Analysis for the New Permanent Ventilation System
November 2017
This document evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed construction and operation of a Permanent Ventilation System at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

Supplement Analysis for the Packaging and Handling of Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste in Shielded Containers
September 2010
This document examines the impacts of the packaging and emplacement at WIPP of a portion of the RH-TRU waste inventory using a new container design called the lead shielded container.

Supplement Analysis for the Proposed Characterization for Disposal of Contact Handled Transuranic Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
This document examines the environmental impacts of the proposal to perform characterization activities required by the WIPP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit for contact-handled waste at the WIPP.

Supplement Analysis for the Transportation of Transuranic Waste in TRUPACT-III containers
September 2007
This document examines the environmental impacts of using the Transuranic Package Transporter Model III (TRUPACT-III) containers for transporting contact-handled Transuranic waste to WIPP.

Supplement Analysis for use of the 10-160B Transportation Cask for RH-TRU Waste Shipments to WIPP
This document examines the environmental impacts of using the 10-160B transportation cask for transporting remote-handled Transuranic waste to WIPP.

Supplement Analysis for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site-Wide Operations
May 2009
This document examines the environmental impacts of changes to WIPP site-wide and transportation operations, and new information gathered, since the preparation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS-II) (DOE/EIS-0026-S-2), and the Supplement Analysis for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site Wide Operations (DOE/EIS-0026-SA05).

Supplement Analysis for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site-Wide Operations
DOE/EIS-0026-SA-12, Rev. 0
April 2021
The purpose of this SA is to perform the five-year site-wide WIPP facility evaluation. Included with this SA is a proposed change pertaining to the excavation of two underground replacement panels for the disposal of TRU waste.

Supplement Analysis for a Proposal to Temporarily Store Defense Transuranic Waste prior to Disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
March 2014
This analysis evaluates the impacts of proposed temporary storage of defense TRU wastes at Waste Control Specialists, LLC prior to disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.


Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods
(External Link )SW-846 Rev. 2
This document provides test procedures and guidance recommended for use in conducting the evaluations and measurements needed to comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

Transmittal of the Final Report of CBFO Recertification Audit A-07-06 of the INL Analytical Laboratories dated June 13, 2007

Transuranic Waste Acceptance Criteria for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
DOE/WIPP-02-3122 Rev. 11
Effective date: 11/04/22

TRU Waste Transportation Plan
DOE/CBFO-98-3103 Rev. 5
Effective date: 10/17/2022


U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: USDA Erosion Study
August 2012
This Record of Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is for a proposed Wind Erosion Study to be performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research Unit on the WIPP Land Withdrawal Area.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: HEPA Filter 2012
September 2012
This Record of Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is for removal and disposal of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters resulting from air filtration of waste handling operations and mining operations at the WIPP facility.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Well Field Improvement
February 2013
CX Determination for DOE Grant funding to support improvements to the City of Carlsbad Double Eagle Well Field.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Office Lease
March 2013
This Categorical Exclusion Determination is for the proposed lease of office space in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: HEPA Filter 2014
July 2014
This Record of Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is for removal and disposal of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters from air filtration at the WIPP facility.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Ventilation System
November 2014
This Record of Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is for the installation of an upgrade to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant ventilation exhaust system.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Removal and Replacement of HEPA Filters at the WIPP Facility
March 2015
This Categorical Exclusion Determination is for removal and disposal of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters from air filtration at the WIPP facility. This Determination is for Calendar Year 2015.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Installation of SVS to Support U/G Activities at WIPP
April 2017
This Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is for the installation of Supplemental Ventilation System (SVS) to support underground (U/G) activities at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Small-Scale Mobile Concrete Batch Plant Machinery
March 2019
This Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is to use small-scale batch plant machinery located adjacent to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Land Withdrawal Area to supply engineered concrete mix for the proposed construction of the New Filter Building in support of the New Permanent Supplemental Ventilation System at the WIPP.

U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination Form: Proposed Lease of Office Space in Albuquerque, New Mexico
March 2020
This Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination is for the proposed lease of office space in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

U.S. Department of Energy Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Executive Order 13058, "Protecting Federal Employees and the Public from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke in the Federal Workplace" New Mexico, Chapter 24, Article 16 NMSA 1978, as Amended City of Carlsbad, New Mexico, Code of Ordinances, Sec. 32-11 Eddy County, New Mexico, Resolution No. R-14-47 Compliance Policy (a/k/a "Smoking Policy").
DOE/WIPP-11-3480, Rev. 1
Effective: November 2014

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Final Decision letter approving Department of Energy's (DOE's) remote handled (RH) transuranic (TRU) Waste Characterization Program Implementation Plan (WCPIP), Revision 0D, and the RH TRU Waste Characterization Plan for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Effective date: 3/26/04

V: No Documents at this time.


Waste Acceptance Criteria: (See Transuranic Waste Acceptance Criteria for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant)

Waste Data System – Completion of Access Request Form and Assignment of Permissions in WDS - Management Control Procedure
Effective Date: 06/20/22

Waste Data System Access Request Form
Effective Date: 08/05/2020

Waste Data System User's Manual
DOE/WIPP-09-3427 Rev. 22
Effective Date: 08/29/2024

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Delaware Basin Monitoring Annual Report
DOE/WIPP-23-2308, Rev. 0
Effective Date: 01/04/24
This document contains the rationale and design criteria for the monitoring program, extent and frequency of monitoring and measurements, procedures for lab analysis, QA requirements, program implementation procedures, and direction for the preparation and disposition of reports.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Electronics Management Policy Statement
DOE/WIPP-11-3474, Rev. 4
Effective: September 2020

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Environmental Management System
WP 02-EC.14, Revision 0
Effective Date: 07/01/2020

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Environmental Policy Statement
EA02EC14-1-0, Revision 1
Effective Date: 06/14/2023

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Environmental Monitoring Plan
DOE/WIPP-99-2194, Rev. 14
Effective Date: 10/16/23
This document contains the rationale and design criteria for the monitoring program, extent and frequency of monitoring and measurements, procedures for lab analysis, QA requirements, program implementation procedures, and direction for the preparation and disposition of reports.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Geotechnical Analysis Report for July 2015 - June 2016, DOE/WIPP-17-3560, Volumes 1 and 2

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Initial Report for PCB Disposal Authorization
This document provides request authorization to allow the disposal of transuranic (TRU) wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which are duly regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2023
DOE/WIPP-24-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2022
DOE/WIPP-23-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2021
DOE/WIPP-22-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2020
DOE/WIPP-21-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2019
DOE/WIPP-20-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2018
DOE/WIPP-19-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2017
DOE/WIPP-18-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2016
DOE/WIPP-17-3591, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2015
DOE/WIPP-16-3572, Rev. 0
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2014
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2013
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2012
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2011
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2010
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2009
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2008
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2007
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 2006
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report 2005
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report 2004
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report 2003
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Annual Site Environmental Report 2002
Report addressing operational environmental monitoring activities.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Management Plan
DOE/WIPP-93-004, Reprint I, October 31, 2023
Effective Date: 10/31/2023
Describes how the Department of Energy manages the WIPP Land Withdrawal Area.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Pollution Prevention Program Plan
WP 02-EC.11
Effective: 09/05/18

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Sustainable Procurement Plan
WP 02-EC.07, Revision 9
Effective: 01/13/2020

WIPP Basis of Knowledge for Evaluating Oxidizing Chemicals in Tru Waste
DOE/WIPP-17-3589, Rev 1
Effective: December 2018

DOE/WIPP-07-3372 Rev. 8 WIPP Documented Safety Analysis Page Change 001
Approved: September 19, 2022; Effective: September 30, 2022
The Documented Safety Analysis addresses all hazards (both radiological and nonradiological) and the controls necessary to provide adequate protection to the public, workers, and the environment. The WIPP DSA demonstrates the extent to which the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant can be operated safely with respect to workers, the public, and the environment.

WIPP Disposal Phase Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS-II)
This document assesses whether to dispose of TRU waste at WIPP. This document also assesses reasonable options for transportation and other activities associated with disposal, as well as reasonable alternatives concerning quantities, sources, and treatment of TRU waste before disposal.

DOE/WIPP-07-3373 Rev. 8 WIPP Technical Safety Requirements Page Change 001 
Approved: September 19, 2022; Effective: September 30, 2022
Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) identifies the controls, derived in the DOE/WIPP-07-3372, WIPP Documented Safety Analysis, required to protect the public, workers, and the environment.

WIPP Visit Program Policy
Effective: September 2021

X: No Documents at this time.

Y: No Documents at this time.

Z: No Documents at this time.