Shipment Information

Shipment & Disposal Information

Shipments Received As of October 19, 2024

Site Shipments Loaded Miles
Argonne National Laboratory 206 353,693
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory 5 10,955
GE Vallecitos Nuclear Center 32 44,800
Idaho National Laboratory 7,449 10,369,008
Los Alamos National Laboratory 1,671 571,482
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 44 76,050
Nevada Test Site 48 57,312
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 291 390,813
Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site 2,045 1,447,860
Hanford Site 572 1,034,176
Sandia National Laboratories 10 2,856
Savannah River Site 1,785 2,673,572
Waste Control Specialists 34 3,400
Total to WIPP 14,192 17,035,977

For information purposes only. For official numbers, please consult the
WIPP Waste Information System (WWIS): WWIS

Disposal Volumes

(Container volume as of October 19, 2024)

TMW Total Volume (m3)
108,184 cubic meters

LWA Total Volume (m3)
77,784 cubic meters

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