WIPP's West Inducted Into Mine Rescue Hall of Fame
July 30, 2018
Routine Transuranic Waste Handling Operations Resume at WIPP
June 6, 2018June 14, 2018
WIPP Breaks Ground for New Ventilation System
Carlsbad, NM - U.S. Department of Energy officials joined with local Southeast New Mexico community leaders today to celebrate the groundbreaking of a new and improved underground ventilation system for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). The Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System (SSCVS) is key to increasing waste shipments to WIPP by allowing mining, waste emplacement, rock bolting and maintenance activities to occur simultaneously.
"In my first trip to WIPP as the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, I am pleased to have the opportunity to participate in breaking ground on this new ventilation system. The new system provides WIPP state-of-the-art air handling capabilities, which will be a significant improvement to WIPP in support of its critical role in our national mission," Anne White said.
"The new ventilation system will provide WIPP more than 500,000 cubic feet per minute of air to the WIPP underground, while running in a filtration mode that will be protective of the public and environment," said DOE Carlsbad Field Office Manager Todd Shrader. "It allows us more flexibility while performing waste emplacement and mining activities."
The SSCVS provides a modern air supply system designed to run continuously in HEPA filtration. The system will provide approximately 540,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of air to the WIPP underground, significantly more than the current ventilation system in place at the facility. The new system also allows easier filter replacement and preventative maintenance activities. At an estimated cost of $288 million, construction of the new ventilation system is expected to be completed by early 2021.
"This is a significant improvement for WIPP in support of its important national mission," said Bruce Covert, President and Project Manager of Nuclear Waste Partnership, the WIPP management and operations contractor. "I am appreciative of the unwavering support from our local, state and federal elected officials and stakeholders who ensure we have the proper funding to make infrastructure improvements, like the new ventilation system."