December 6, 2017
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
September 28, 2017
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
March 16, 2017
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
December 15, 2016
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
October 13, 2016
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides - Salt Closure Video - Scaling Video
August 4, 2016
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
June 2, 2016
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
April 7, 2016
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
January 7, 2016
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
October 29, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
September 3, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
August 6, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
July 9, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
June 4, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
May 7, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
April 16, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
April 2, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
March 5, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
February 5, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
January 8, 2015
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
December 4, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
November 6, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
October 16, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
October 2, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
September 18, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
September 4, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
August 21, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
August 11, 2014
Town Hall Meeting July 24, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
July 10, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
June 19, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
June 5, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
May 29, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
May 22, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
May 15, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
May 8, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
May 1, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides - CEMRC Presentation Slides
April 23, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
April 17, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides - CEMRC Presentation Slides
April 10, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
April 3, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
March 27, 2014
Town Hall Meeting - Presentation Slides
March 20, 2014
Town Hall Meeting
March 13, 2014
Town Hall Meeting
March 6, 2014
Town Hall Meeting
Responses to Town Hall Questions
July 9, 2015Wouldn't it be cheaper to just fill this mine with salt, walk away, and build a brand new mine with a better ventilation system? Or is permitting the main problem with that?
While permitting could be an obstacle, it would take more time and money to build a new mine. The existing facility is performing as expected and multiple options are being explored on ways to address the ventilation system.
In the event of a fire, how can a safe environment be isolated underground? Isn't it all the same air?
It is all the same air in the underground, but it is separated and directed into different areas. Using a series of air-splits and dampers, certain parts of the mine can be isolated. In the event of a fire, employees would be instructed on where the fire was and what egress station to report too. Based on this information, employees could then determine the best route to avoid the smoke and remain in fresh air.
Might anyone speak to the EPA Meeting statement at the EPA meeting of George Anastas regarding the disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at WIPP?
WIPP's mission is the permanent disposal of defense generated transuranic waste.
Does the existing salt shaft that is planned to be used for ventilation have HEPA filtration?
No. When the revised ventilation system is operational, the WIPP underground will be separated into a clean side and a contaminated side. The clean side (contamination free) will exhaust up the salt shaft and air will be free released to the atmosphere. The contaminated side will continue to exhaust as it currently does, up the exhaust shaft and through the HEPA filtration. A series of engineered (both mechanical and electronic) devices will be installed to ensure that the doors cannot be opened simultaneously cause air exchange between the two sides. Additionally, continuous air monitors will be installed to ensure no airborne contamination is present in the clean side. WIPP will also retain the capability to send all air back to the exhaust shaft and through HEPA filtration if necessary.
Are there any changes in worker health status since the last report (don' know when that was)?
In regards to worker health, there have not been changes. Worker health and safety continues to be the number on priority at WIPP and continual efforts are made to finds was to improve.
Why are the readings only in alpha contamination - that is not the only form of nuclear isotope. What about the beta & gamma isotopes?
See response to questions 8.
Americium is alpha emitting and also gamma emitting that when breathed will cause cancer. Question, why only measure the alpha emissions?
The main reason is due to the fact that alpha radiation is actually of more concern than gamma radiation here at WIPP. Americium 241emits a more powerful alpha particle, as compared to the gamma particle. The alpha particles being emitted from the Americium 241 are approximately 100 times more energetic than the gamma and about 20 times more ionizing than the gamma radiation. We monitor for all types of radiation here at WIPP. The low levels of beta and gamma radiation we encounter are a minimal hazard so although we measure and document all radiation types and exposures,our primary concern for human health is the re-suspension and inhalation of alpha emitting isotopes.
Previous Town Hall Questions
2015February 25, 2015

May 22, 2014

March 23, 2014